Five Star service


Thank you so much for all of your help! Wohnung Naples

Dear Kirsten, Thank you so much for all of your help! We are so grateful for all of the hard work you've done to not only help us to buy a condo but to find our dream as well. We are endlessly grateful to have you as our agent and couldn't be happier with the way everything worked out. Thanks to you, we are now the proud owners of the perfect home in a beautiful neighborhood. We are so thrilled and cannot wait to add personal touches to make it our own. You closed the deal artfully and seamlessly, and we are forever thankful to you!!! M & A


5 Star + Naples Sellers Agent

"We could not be happier with our experience using Kirsten as our selling agent. She was extremely patient filling in the numerous gaps in our knowledge. She showed up for meetings promptly, with all of the paperwork ready to sign, and she guided through preparing the house for sale. Furthermore, we sold our place within 30 hours of its listing for 12% over the asking price. All said, there are not enough stars in this ranking system to give Kirsten a proper review. Great job!" beals jerry 261 Quails Nest Rd APT 1, Naples, FL 34112

Beals Jerry

The Best in the Industry - Naples / Estero Realtor

Kirsten is a dedicated, knowledgeable, and market-savvy professional who puts her clients' satisfaction before all else. Her attention to detail, superior people skills, broad knowledge of the real estate industry as a whole, and her pure determination to indulge her clients with First Class service sets her apart. We can't speak highly enough of our experience with Kirsten, and her numerous acts of service over and beyond through the purchase process. She made everything easy, clear, and went out of her way to help coordinate inspections, appraisals, and even took pictures and measurements for us since we were in another state. She seamlessly managed the process with the sellers that were in another country, and us being in another state and timezone than Florida. She is a class act and service is her talent and gifts she shares with her clients. Kirsten is a true professional in all aspects. She is very knowledgeable of the local market, provides accurate and timely information, and her attentiveness to us was impeccable; she is always available to answer questions regardless of the time of day. Throughout the process, we knew she was always looking out for us at every step of the transaction. We have no hesitation to utilize Kirsten in the future, and feel very fortunate to have found her as our realtor! If you want the Best in the industry then look no further!

Connie Sunday

Extremely professional and highly recommended - Naples Real Estate Agent

Kirsten showed us every house we wanted to see plus more. She recommended numerous contactors including home inspector, title insurance co., finance people, contractors, etc. Followed through until we closed and continues to follow up. Extremely professional and highly recommended.


She is the best Naples Realtor

Kirsten is THE BEST! Our closing was scheduled one day after hurricane Irma came to Bonita Springs and Naples. Irma changed everything. Nobody was working but Kirsten. She did all the work the title company and the other realtor should have done but refused to do. Without her help we would have been totally lost. This house was the second one we bought with her help. We highly recommend her!

Suse H.

Top Deutscher Makler Naples Florida

Bei einem weiteren Urlaubssaufenthalt in der Region haben wir begonnen uns mit dem Immobilienmarkt vor Ort zu beschäftigen. Bei der Internetrecherche sind wir auf Kirsten's sehr erkenntnisreiche Homepage gestoßen. Einen Tag später hatten wir bereits einen umfangreichen unseren Vorstellungen entsprechenden Marktüberblick mit diversen Häusern erhalten. Bei den Besichtigungen widmete Sie uns sehr viel Zeit und gab uns extrem viele hilfreiche Ideen und Tipps. Nach unserer Rückkehr nach Deutschland hat Kirsten für uns den gesamten Kaufprozess zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit gemanagt. Dazu zählten u.a. auch die Organisation der Inspektionen. Mittlerweile sind wir schon ein paar Wochen Eigentümer und dank ihrer Unterstützung haben wir auch eine deutschsprachige Steuerberaterin, Bänkerin und Property Managerin kennengelernt. Für uns ist es zudem sehr positiv und beeindruckend, dass sie auch nach Abschluss des Kaufes uns mit notwendigen Anschaffungen vor Ort tatkräftig unterstützt.


Bester Makler Florida

Nachdem wir im letzten Jahr etliche Makler in Florida mit mäßigem bis gar keinem Erfolg kontaktiert -und fast schon aufgegeben - hatten, stießen wir auf Frau Prizzi. Bereits nach den ersten Mail-Kontakten waren wir sicher, endlich eine kompetente und engagierte Maklerin gefunden zu haben. Wir erhielten auf unsere Vorhaben abgestimmte Angebote und wurden darüber hinaus mit Informationen unterstützt, die wir ohne Frau Prizzi noch nicht mal erahnt hätten. Sie half uns bei etlichen Problemen und Fragen, indem sie uns gewissenhaft und geduldig beriet –ohne aufdringlich zu sein- und uns dezent aber deutlich vor unseren „Denkfehlern“ warnte. Sogar bei der Suche nach einer hundegeeigneten Unterkunft vor Ort war sie eine große Hilfe! ...

Peggy & Frank

Bester Deutscher Immobilienmakler Florida

Als wir anfingen uns mit der Haussuche in Florida zu befassen, waren wir viel im Internet unterwegs. Auf der Suche nach einem deutschsprachigen Makler haben wir Kirsten Prizzi gefunden. Ihre Internetseite hat bei uns einen sehr unaufdringlichen und vor allem auch seriösen Eindruck gemacht. Die Bewertungen Ihren Kunden haben ebenfalls für sie gesprochen. Unser ursprünglicher Gedanke war der, dass wir uns ein paar Makler anhören und dann entscheiden, welchen wir mit dieser - für uns wichtigen Aufgabe - uns bei der Haussuche und der anschließenden Abwicklung aller rechtlichen Formalitäten zu unterstützen - betrauen. Unser erstes Telefonat mit Kirsten Prizzi hat dazu geführt, dass wir unseren Plan änderten und keinen weiteren Makler kontaktierten. Es war bereits am Telefon eine große Sympathie vorhanden, die sich die darauf folgenden Wochen des Kontakts bestätigt hat. Der unaufdringliche Eindruck ihrer Internetseite spiegelt sich in ihrer Person wieder. Sie überzeugt mit absoluter Professionalität, mit großem Fachwissen, Ehrlichkeit und viel Engagement. Wir hatten direkt das Gefühl, dass wir mit ihr gut beraten sind. Nachdem wir eine recht gute Vorauswahl bei den Häusern von Österreich aus getroffen hatten und unsere Reise nach Florida anstand, hat Kirsten Prizzi alle Termine perfekt organisiert, so dass wir in der kurzen Zeit unseres Aufenthalts nach 2 Tagen unser Traumhaus gefunden haben. Was uns besonders beeindruckt hat, war die Art und Weise wie Kirsten Prizzi uns die Häuser präsentiert hat. Wir hatten zu keinem Zeitpunkt das Gefühl, dass Sie uns etwas aufdrängen wollte, sondern wirklich interessiert war für uns das zu finden, was unserer Vorstellung entspricht. Die Freude, die sie mit uns hatte, als wir unser Traumhaus gefunden hatten, war nicht gespielt. Die vertragliche Nacharbeit lief in ständigem Kontakt mit ihr. Rechtliche Fragen hat sie uns stets mit völliger Sicherheit beantwortet. Wir haben uns jederzeit sehr gut beraten und unterstützt gefühlt. Sie hat uns auch von sich aus Hilfe angeboten bei Dingen, die nicht zu Ihrem Aufgabengebiet gehören. Diese Hilfsbereitschaft und auch Großzügigkeit haben wir sehr zu schätzen gewusst. Die Vermittlung zwischen uns und der Titel Company war sehr hilfreich und beruhigend. Die sprachlichen Feinheiten, die das vollständige Verständnis solcher Verträge voraussetzen, haben wir einfach nicht und hier hat man die jahrelange Erfahrung von Kirsten Prizzi deutlich gespürt. Auch nach dem Hauskauf und der fertigen Abwicklung ist der Kontakt bestehen geblieben und Ihr Bemühen um uns haben nicht nachgelassen. Die sehr persönliche Art der Betreuung, die wir bei Kirsten Prizzi erhalten haben, hätten wir sicher bei einer großen Maklerfirma nicht bekommen, deshalb sind wir sehr glücklich mit unserer Entscheidung sie bei einer solch großen Entscheidung an unserer Seite gehabt zu haben. Vielen herzlichen Dank!!! Für die Herzlichkeit, die Ehrlichkeit, die Zuverlässigkeit, das Engagement, das Fachwissen, die Informationen, die Hilfe, die Unterstützung, die tolle Betreuung und dafür, dass du uns zu unserem Traumhaus verholfen hast. Ganz liebe Grüße Kathrin und Enrico

Kathryn Jacoby

Top Deutscher Makler

Liebe Kirsten, nachdem wir den Kauf unseres Appartements abgeschlossen haben, wollen wir uns bei dir ganz herzlich für deinen Einsatz und dein Engagement bedanken, das weit über die Norm hinausging. Du hast innerhalb kürzester Zeit für uns passende Angebote ausgearbeitet und uns hervorragend organisiert, zeitsparend und zielorientiert Objekte gezeigt die perfekt auf unsere Bedürfnisse gepasst haben. Dadurch haben wir bereits am 2. Tag unserer Besichtigungstour eine passende lmmobilie gefunden. Die Abwicklung des Verkaufs wurde von dir professionell und freundlich vorgenommen. Unsere Fragen hast du zügig und verbindlich beantwortet. Zusagen, die wir von dir bekamen, wurden stets eingehalten. Darüber hinaus hast du die Verbindung zu einer kompetenten Hausverwaltung hergestellt, mit der wir bzgl. Vermietung und Renovierungen/Reparaturen in Zukunft zusammenarbeiten können. Wir werden dich, liebe Kirsten, jederzeit uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen, wenn Freunde oder Bekannte in deinem Einsatzbereich eine lmmobilie suchen. Deine Arbeit in allen Bereichen ist wirklich nicht zu toppen!! Ganz herzlichen Dank nochmal!


Wonderful Agent - Bonita Springs Realtor

We recently purchased a home in Bonita Springs, Florida. It was a house that we had been driving by for months. Since it was for sale by owner we could never connect with the seller. Then Kirsten got the listing and finally our dream came true. She is a wonderful agent who walked us through a very smooth transaction. Kirsten is knowledgeable and friendly. All phone calls and emails were answered promptly. I would highly recommend her to find your Florida home!!!

Kathy R.L.

A true listener & very knowledgeable - Best Naples Realtors

Kirsten was very fast in understanding what we were looking for and showed us exactly what we had in mind. Within only few days she found our dream house. Her service is excellent and does not stop only at buying the house but also with all the details that are sometimes hard to understand for a foreigner. Thank you very much, dear Kirsten!


Top Realtor Naples

I was shocked I was when informed my rental will jump $400 for next contract. I decided to buy a condo, which was why I met Kirsten. I was in a hurry situation. I had to find a condo, close, and move in less than 3 month before my current contract expired. Furthermore, I didn’t have any day off in 2 weeks because of covering up my co-workers. Kirsten never complained my appointment time: 6PM, 7PM, Saturday, or Sunday, whenever I was available, she would be ready for me. Finally, we found the condo. During closing, I am very confused and stressful secondary to the first time buyer. She helped me all the procedure, explained all the questions and gave me advice. Less than 2 months, I got the key. I had contact the other realtors at the beginning. Most realtors are fishing for a big customer, but Kirsten helps and caters to my need. I appreciate from my heart for all she did. If anyone wants a realtor, I recommend Kirsten. Also, she is a broker associate, not a sale associate, which means she has knowledge, experience and pass exam to be a broker. She really know A LOT. Y.M.


Exceptional Naples Realtor

Kirsten is an exceptional real eastate sales professional. She is dedicated, hard working, reliable and with high levels of integrity. Kirsten develops and maintains very strong relationships with clients, agents, Title companies. suppliers within in her area. Although as we as client live in a different time zone (Europe), Kirsten was always reachable for us and kept us up to date all time on sales process It was a real pleasure working with Kirsten. She will always be our Nbr one Agent I would want to be working with for our next Real Estate project.

Uwe Lorenz

Top Deutscher Makler

Durch eine Empfehlung sind wir zu Frau Prizzi gekommen und das war sehr gut. Sie hatte hier einen schwierigen Verkauf, hat alles souverän erledigt, kompetent und jederzeit hilfsbereit. Wir waren zum Verkauf nicht anwesend und trotzdem hat alles super geklappt. Jederzeit wieder. Danke für die gute Betreuung.


Top Top Top Naples Realtor

Susanne Heger reviewed Kirsten Prizzi 12/16/2015 Customer Country: Deutschland Customer Buyer/Seller: Kirsten half mir, ein Haus zu kaufen Customer rated: übertroffen Rating Text: Top! Top! Top! WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND KIRSTEN PRIZZI! Von 10 möglichen Punkten würde ich Kirsten 20 geben. Mein Mann und ich haben über sie eine Wohnung in Naples gekauft und waren unglaublich beeindruckt von dem Service den sie bietet. Sie berät absolut kompetent, sie hilft bei Verständnisschwierigkeiten in Verträgen und bringt alles in Erfahrung, was man wissen möchte. Mit so einem Service hätte ich nie im Leben gerechnet. Und das alles mit amerikanisch guter Laune und Freundlichkeit. Auch schön, dass ich bei ihr nie das Gefühl hatte, zum Kauf gedrängt zu werden. Sie hat Vor- und Nachteile beschrieben, uns aber immer ohne Druck Entscheidung überlassen. Sie hat immer alles erklärt, auch gesagt was der nächste Schritt sein wird, bei allen E-Mails z.B. von der Title Company, angekündigt, was das jeweils bedeutet. Sie hat den kompletten Kauf für uns aus den USA abgewickelt, wir konnten dabei in Deutschland bleiben. Wir haben in Deutschland schon mit einigen Maklern Erfahrung gemacht, einige Immobilien gekauft. So einen Service haben wir noch nie erlebt.

Susanne Heger

Bester Deutscher Immobilienmakler Florida

Wir waren nach unserem letzten Urlaub in SW Florida so begeistert und glücklich, dass uns der Gedanke dort eine Ferienwohnung zu besitzen, nicht mehr los ließ. Von Deutschland aus haben wir bereits einige Seiten besucht und uns Objekte angeschaut. Uns ist aber ziemlich schnell klar geworden, dass wir alleine von D aus nicht alles erfahren können, was wir gerne hätten wissen wollen. Auch die Darstellung der unterschiedlichen Anlagen, Wohnungen und Häuser via Fotos sind nicht immer optimal gewesen. Dann kamen wir über einen guten Rat aus der Familie zu Kirsten Prizzi. Schnell starteten wir eine Anfrage bei Ihr und genauso schnell erhielten wir auch eine Antwort. Frau Prizzi hat sich in einem regen E-Mail Austausch mit uns über unsere Wünsche und Preisvorstellung bestens informiert. Sie hat uns zügig Objekte gesendet, über die wir uns (fünf Käufer) beraten konnten. Auch bot sie uns an, vor Ort Fotos zu machen, damit wir einen besseren Einblick gewinnen können. Als unsere Favoriten ausgewählt waren, wollten wir uns auch persönlich ein Bild davon machen und sind zur "Visite" nach FL gereist. Frau Prizzi hatte schon vorab Besichtigungstermine vereinbart, sodass wir uns alle Favoriten an zwei Tagen anschauen konnten. Es war uns auch möglich, in jeder Wohnung so viel Zeit zu nehmen die wir benötigten um auch ausreichend Einblicke zu gewinnen. Über die ganzen Eckdaten ist Frau Prizzi klasse informiert gewesen oder konnte schnell und unkompliziert über den Verkäufer unsere vielen Fragen beantworten. Dank Ihrer Hilfe haben wir die für uns perfekte Wohnung gefunden und gekauft. Wir sind absolut happy und bereuen nichts 🙂 Frau Prizzi hat uns über den gesamten Zeitraum und auch noch darüber hinaus so klasse beraten und uns unterstützend zur Seite gestanden. Sie ist eine absolute Fachfrau in Ihrem Gebiet, kompetent, zuverlässig, ehrlich, menschlich und setzt jeden Hebel in Bewegung um zum besten Abschluss für Ihre Kunden zu kommen. Für jeden, der sich in SW Florida für den Kauf einer Immobilie interessiert die richtige Wahl! Wir möchten auch auf diesem Wege einfach nochmal danke sagen! Ohne Frau Prizzi hätten wir mit Sicherheit nicht so schnell zu unserem Ziel gefunden. Bei weiteren Käufen wird sie in jedem Fall unsere erste und einzige Ansprechpartnerin sein. Liebe Grüße Jessi&Dennis, Ulli, Hansi & Jan

Jessi & Dennis

Bester Makler Florida

Ich habe mit Kirsten schon mehrere Transaktionen (Kauf und Verkauf) durchgeführt und und kann Sie nur als absolut kompetent umsichtig sich in der Bürokratie bestens auskennend und absolut zuverlässig beschreiben. Ich würde Sie jederzeit wieder als Makler meines Vertrauens beschäftigen und unbedingt weiterempfehlen. Rudolf Husak


Highly Recommend Realtor

Kirsten Prizzi is a very competent real estate agent. With her help we have already bought some objects. Every time she has shown great expertise, whether in short sale, foreclosure, or as it is now in a normal sale. For her was nothing too much. She sent us photos and videos of the houses. They constantly found new, matching objects so that we finally found our dream house. During completion of purchase she was also very dedicated and always helped us with good advice. We would not hesitate to make a home purchase with Kirsten again and can highly recommend her. Working together with Kirsten is always a pleasure.


Very Happy

We are very happy with Kirsten, she Show us many Objects and finally we find a Sweet Home. Thanks so much for all Kirsten!

Elvira P

Awesome Realtor

Kirsten was always kind and honest. She responded at all my calls and emails fast. If I had some questions, she explained it to me very good. Her knowledge is awesome. She handled all situations smart and professional. Thanks again for your help.


Multiple Transactions

Kirsten is a very professional and truthful realtor with excellent knowledge of the local real estate market. I worked together with her since 2008 in several transactions from both sides of the market. She is highly involved in finding the appropriate home/land adopting to the buyers specifications and is not getting tired of organizing walkthroughs. Further more Kirsten provides a lot of additional informations of importance regarding the settlement of a real estate purchase/sale and her business relations are useful for every customer. She was always available and the communication with her, mostly by email, was quick and target-aimed. I always felt supported very well during our long lasting business relationship. Working together with Kirsten will make you both a satisfied property owner and seller.

Markus Ried

Very High Level

High level of knowledge, perfect handling of the estate search, prudent negotiations, successfull completion, personally very pleasant care. Thank You Kirsten !



HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Kirsten´s professionalism is outstanding. She immediately understood our demands, showed us the right places with patience, no pressure. Her kind and absolutely honest personality made communication easy - her response time is amazing - always prompt! Her perfect service made the buying process simple for us, negotiation with seller, homeinspection, coordination with title company: Kirsten can manage anything smoothly. We always felt being in very good and experienced hands. Thank you Kirsten, it was a pleasure working with you! You made our floridian dream come true!

Carol Frank

Great International Realtor

Kirsten is very helpful in everyway and she sold our property in one day, and helped with the closing as we are from Canada she made the it very easy . I would recommend her as not only is she very knowledgeable she is also very smart and easy to to talk to and very honest and truly amazing person I would use her again. Thank You

Joanne Mizzi

Smooth Transaction

I have worked with Kirsten for years on many transactions. She is very hard working and involved to be sure her clients have a smooth transaction. I would highly recommend her.

Stormy Wilder

Truly knows Real Estate

She is very helpful and knows everything about Real Estate!!!! after she sold our home she help us find a Overseas Transport Company, everything goes very well!

Gerhard Galun

Always smooth & perfect transactions

Kirsten is a very honest and experienced real estate agent. She helped us buying and selling several real estates. Always smooth and perfect transactions! Thank you!

Udo Hergenroeder

Great Pleasure Working with Kirsten

Mrs Kirsten Prizzi helped us selling our house in Fort Myers. Her performance was outstanding. It was a great pleasure working with you ! Thank you very much !


Für Deutsche Interessenten

Für Deutsche Interessenten: Ohne Frau Prizzi und ihr Netzwerk wäre ich als Anfänger im amerikanischen Immobilenerwerb total hilflos gewesen. Vieln Dank für die gute Betreuung!

Uwe Gurgel

Kirsten is Outstanding

Kirsten is outstanding earnest and professional!! She helped us to buy our dream house. There where no complications. Her personality and knowledge, made looking for a home a pleasure. She showed us exactly the homes we where looking for. There was no pressure in any way. The inspections, closing and all necessary services, where made possible, and easy trough Kirsten's impeccable work. Kirsten is always available, any time. There is no problem she can't solve. The closing went easy and with out any problems, with out being there. We live in Ny, Kirsten managed everything in our absence. She also connected us to necessary services, Insurance, inspections, title company, pool service ea. All people involved are also very nice and easy to work with. Kerstin is trustworthy and much more to us than a realtor. I would recommend her to all my friends. "Kerstin is great , you have to meet her." Peter and Baerbel K NY USA

Peter & Baerbel

Kirsten was Fantastic

Kirsten was fantastic! Very straight forward, no games, very knowledgeable in all aspects of the entire process. We were not in the state during the purchase of our home, and she made us feel very comfortable with the entire situation. She was very professional, very courteous, and very respectful. We would recommend her 1000x over.

Nathan R

Above & Beyond

Kirsten helped me sell my house quickly and easily in a very difficult market. Kirsten brought in a person to stage my house as well as a cleaning crew to make sure it was spotless and ready to go.

Joel L

Top Realtor

We couldn't have asked for more in a realtor. We found Kirsten after having issues with multiple other realtors, and we were very discouraged. The market in our price range was challenging and properties were going under contract before we were even able to go see them. Kirsten was excellent and really made us feel like we were her only client. She went out of her way to look at properties for us when we couldn't make it, and if it wasn't for that, we wouldn't be in our new house! Kirsten was amazing and the next time we need a realtor, she will be the only person we call!

K. Schneider

The Key to The Perfect Home

Kirsten was key in finding the perfect home in an area that fit my family's need! She quickly identified specific areas that matched our requirements which saved us a ton of time. She makes you feel comfortable right away and is very easy to talk to and reach. Kirsten is extremely knowledgeable and was able to guide me effortlessly through the process. I highly recommend Kirsten to all my friends - everyone loves her!


Very Impressed

Kirsten is the most impressive Realtor that I have ever met. She explained the market conditions and pricing and then handled the sale professionally, and took care of all the paper work. She sold our house in a short time with the price what we wanted. She was always very friendly and easy to work with and was always there when needed and quick to answer emails and voice mails.

Marlies N

Detailed Professional

Conciencitious, Detailed and Professional, dealing with a corporate seller and corraling multiple parties, Kirsten was a true professional in handling our transaction.


Extremely Knowledgeable

We have worked with many realtors over the years and Kirsten is the best! She is extremely knowledgeable of the market. She answers every email, text, and phone calls almost immediately. We lived out of state and couldn't make it in for the inspections. She coordinated every one we wanted and was there in person during each one, emailing us updates. If you are serious about buying a property in Naples, Kirsten is the realtor for you! My husband and I both highly recommend her!

S. Schulmann

True Professional

Kirsten is a true professional with a keen insight in what buyers are looking for. She listens carefully to what you want then processes that into house showings that are on the mark.


Dream Realtor - Very Focused

Kirsten Prizzi was a dream to work with. Kirsten listened carefully to what we were looking for and helped us negotiate the perfect house for our growing family. She is very focused on the details. When we were looking at homes she gave us her honest opinion and pointed out potential issues. We would definitely recommend her to a friend and will use her in the future for any real estate transactions.

Peter W.

Kirsten gets things done

Kirsten Prizzi without a doubt really knows how to get things done. We were very impressed by her professionalism and understanding of the local market. Any complications were met by her fearless attitude that kept our purchase on track. Thanks Kirsten for your patience and professionalism through the entire process of purchasing our new home.


Great Realtor

If anyone out there is looking for a great realtor, look Kirsten up, she is a go getting person that you don't find in many aspects of any business, she definately knows how to deal with people on all aspects in real estate dealings. Thank you, Corinne

Corinne W.

Excellent Realtor

Excellent realtor. I would not have gotten my house had she not worked so diligently with banks, title company, and other realtor. My house has increased in value already. Thank you,

Mike N.

Very Knowledgeable & Courteous

I have some very good friends who wanted to move to Florida for years. I introduced my friends to Kirsten Prizzi who spent time corresponding with them online for weeks. They so appreciated how knowledgeable and courteous Kirsten is to work with, even responding to questions late at night. Thanks to Kirsten, my friends found the perfect home.

Will C.

Rockstar - Truly Exceptional Real Estate Agent

Kirsten Prizzi Rocks. Kirsten is a truly exceptional person. She is extremly responsive, easy and delightful to work with. I can never thank her enough. A definite superstar.

Carol W

Hard Working Agent

Kirsten is the best real estate agent anyone could have. I had her my agent selling 2 of my properties and she made the process completely smooth. She gave me estimated value higher than what I received from another two agents in the area, and she was able to deliver that selling price, amazing service! If you are looking for an agent, look nowhere, Kirsten is the best & very hard working.


Love this Agent

I love this agent, she does her research and can find just the right house for the person, she has a feel for people and what they would like in a house from the first home that she shows them. A GREAT agent!!!

Todd K

Best German Speaking Realtor

Kirsten Prizzi is a highly recommended Realtor in the German community throughout SW Florida. She is known as a truthful, hardworking and extremely knowledgeable Realtor. Given her many years of experience in the real estate industry, high recommendations and very important to us, Kirsten is fluent in English and German we decided to give her a try in my search for possible investment properties in Cape Coral. I am so glad I did. She helped me find, negotiate, and purchase a property in an excellent location that I am extremely satisfied with and 2 weeks after closing the tenant she found for our investment property moved in. Not only is she very knowledgeable about the SW Florida area Naples Cape Coral, she exhibits an attention to detail that is second to none. She was always available to answer any questions I had about the home buying process and is extremely courteous and professional in all dealings with clients. Also, she has been involved in SW Florida real estate since 1999 and the relationships she has built over that time serve her very well when it comes to helping clients find the "perfect" house. I will certainly be working again with Kirsten in the future for all of my real estate needs.

Annette M

Above & Beyond

Kirsten Prizzi went above and beyond to make sure we found the right house for our family. Her professionalism and care exceeded our expectations. I would recommend her to anyone looking for an agent. Thank you so much! Karen

K. Siebert

Amazing & Knowledgeable

Kirsten was amazing, very helpful and knowledgeable with the area from Cape Coral to Naples. She truly loves her career and goes the extra mile for you to make sure you are well informed. She explained everything very thoroughly and really understands the whole process from start to finish. She also does a great job of keeping everybody in the loop from you to your lender and the closing agent, everything went very smooth. Kirsten, Thanks for our Dream Home. Nilana


Highly Recommended

Kirsten Prizzi helped my husband and I buy our first single family home in Bonita Springs. She was a dream to work with! Our search started in 2011 with another agent and then we gave up and tried again in the summer of 2012 with Kirsten. During that time Kirsten never got tired of showing us houses or researching different properties that met our requirements. She is amazing and I would recommend her to anyone!!!


Very Knowledgeable Agent

I couldn't have asked for a more knowledgeable agent. Kirsten Prizzi was wonderful to work and as a matter of fact, we had such trust in her expertise that we bought our house unseen, since we live in Germany! We couldn't be happier and the house is everything that we had hoped it would be. You will not be disappointed with Kirsten!


Amazing Realtor

Kirsten is an amazing Realtor. My house search took much longer than I care to admit. After going through a couple of agents, I found Kirsten. After speaking to her, I knew right away that he was the agent I wanted to work with. Throughout my exhaustive search, Kirsten was extremely patient and I always felt like she was on my side. She tells it like it is and is very knowledgeable about market. I never felt pressure and in the end she would always say that she wanted me to be happy. I also found it pretty amazing how Kirsten was able to work around her busy schedule to get me quickly into places I wanted to see. She always returned my calls right away and during the closing process would reach out often to follow up and see if I had any questions. I wholeheartedly recommend Kirsten to anyone looking for a great agent. Thanks Kirsten!

Susan S

Made My First Time Home Buying Experience Simple & Easy

Out of 5 Realtors I decided to go with Kirsten Prizzi. She made my first time home buying experience simple and easy. She was always there to answer any questions that I had. Even after the I purchased my home she was there to help me. I would Highly recommend Kirsten Prizzi

Kristen NY

100% Satisfaction

I am writing this to express my satisfaction working with Kirsten. My wife and I had been looking for a house for about 4 months and put in multiple offers to different properties without much luck. We started working with Kirsten after finding a house that we liked. She made sure we made a competitive offer, and then helped to make sure that our deal was being considered by the seller. She helped negotiate with the seller about pretty much everything and took care of any issues that we had immediately. She was quick and effective throughout the buying process. My wife and I had a very pleasant experience purchasing my house through Kirsten and would highly recommend her.

Karen S.

Absolutely Wonderful

Kirsten Prizzi has been absolutely wonderful. We are an overseas buyer and our main contact with Kirsten has been email. Always very responsive and helpful. When we did come to the USA to look at some properties, Kirsten was ready with all the information and a good number of places to look at. She listened well and understood what we want. In 3 days we had found a place that suited us, and negotiated a price. We will be doing a lot more business with Kirsten in the future and I can recommend her with all my heart.

Dawn P

Best Realtor

Wir haben Ende 2012 ein Ferienhaus durch Kirsten Prizzi, in Florida erworben. Nicht nur war Kirsten die beste Maklerin, die wir uns hätten wünschen können, sie und ihr Team haben auch unser Haus direkt mit in die Verwaltung genommen, nachdem sie uns auch noch beim Einrichten des Hauses 100% unterstützt haben. Die Ferienvermietung lief gleich über Weihnachten an, sodass wir bereits eine hervorragende Belegung haben. Wir hätten es nicht besser treffen können. U. Hansen

U. Hansen

5 Star Realtor

Kirsten is a very personable Real Estate professional that knows her business. She is helpful, consistent and out to help the buyer 100% of the time. She is extremely honest with her clients and lets them know if the house will fit the lifestyle they have been looking for. We could always count on Kirsten to find the perfect house we were looking for. Kirsten absolutely helped us after months and months of looking. We are very glad to have met Kirsten and we are very thankful we found someone like Kirsten Prizzi that cares about her clients and their needs. She is one of the nicest people we know in this business and deserves a five star or more rating.


Very Professional

Kirsten is an experienced, professional agent. She was very responsive to every question or concern we had regarding the whole process. She quickly understood our needs and wants which helped us find the property very quickly. We couldn't be happier with her and the property we found. Inge & Ralph

Inge & Ralph

Amazing - True Professional

There aren't enough words to express our thanks to Kirsten for all she did for us in our search for a home in South Florida. We met Kirsten briefly on our initial visit, and she instantly became in tune with our likes and dislikes. She went over and above what other realtors would do, taking and sending us photographs of the property and area, being honest about properties we shouldn't consider, handling all aspects of contacting and meeting with service people, being that we were unable to be there. If space allowed, we could go on and on about how Kirsten made this dream of ours come true. She is a true professional, and we owe her a huge debt of gratitude.


We Bought & Sold 2 Homes with Kirsten

Kirsten has sold and bought 2 homes for us, within the last 3 years. Everything has been wonderful and a calm, smooth & very honest transactions. Kirsten, Thank you so much! Sue

Sue O.

Our Dream Home

Kirsten helped my family purchase our dream home. We searched for the right one for 1 year. Trusting her to keep her finger on the pulse of the market, we ended up buying the perfect home on the water, for the right price. She knew exactly what we were looking for.

E. Scheller

My Realtor For Life

Vor ca 17 Jahren haben mein Mann und ich Frau K. Prizzi kennengelernt. Sie hat seit dem mehrere Immobiliengeschäfte für uns getätigt. Es waren vor allen Dingen ihr fundiertes Wissen und ihre hohe Einsatzbereitschaft, die uns beeindruckt haben. Aus dieser geschäftlichen Beziehung ist mittlerweile eine echte Freundschaft erwachsen. Noch vor 3 Wochen hat Kirsten eine meiner letzten Immobilien innerhalb von 2 Monaten verkauft. Die Abwicklung gestaltete sich schwierig, einmal weil die Käufer und auch die Title-Company ein wenig langsam waren und zum anderen, weil ich mich zu dem Zeitpunkt in Deutschland aufgehalten habe. Trotzdem und Dank Kirstens unermüdlichem Einsatz ist alles glatt über die Bühne gegangen. Soviel persönliches Engagement findet man selten. Vielen Dank Kirsten!!

A. Brink-Blaesy

Sold our house within 3 weeks

Wir sind über die informative Internetseite auf Kirsten Prizzi als Maklerin gekommen. Wir wollten unser Haus in Cape Coral verkaufen und hatten uns auf eine durchschnittliche Verkaufsspanne von einigen Monaten eingestellt. Vom ersten persönlichen Besuch an war der gesamte Verkaufsprozess komplett angenehm und stressfrei. Wir bekamen eine fundierte Marktanalyse von ihr und alle Fragen wurden kompetent immer sofort beantwortet. Sie war telefonisch und per e-mail jederzeit erreichbar und hat unser Haus innerhalb 3 Wochen verkauft! Das Closing haben wir von Deutschland aus machen können und waren zu jedem Zeitpunkt immer über den Stand informiert ,was einem ein gutes Gefühl gab. Nochmals lieben Dank für den tollen Job und die freundliche offene Art! Jederzeit gerne wieder! Karin und Michael

Michael & Karin T

Amazing Service

I know many realtors but you are among the elite. It’s a pleasure working with you. You know your business like second to none and are honest through and through.

K. E. R.

Just Superb

Kirsten is the best, absolutely perfect. If I would buy or sell a property, I wouldn't do this without her... She takes care of everything for the best deal and process

Magg Hamburg

Exceeded My Expectations

I just want to extend my gratitude to Kirsten Prizzi for being such a great realtor. We just sold our Business with Kirsten. I had a lot of questions and doubts. Kirsten was always there to assure me that everything was fine and to answer all of my questions. She never pushed me into doing anything that I didn't want to do. I always felt that I was important to her and she always had time for me. She was there every step of the way. Kirsten is everything that you look for in an realtor. She is professional, knowledgeable, honest, kind, patient, helpful and determined . I am grateful to have worked with Kirsten. I would definitely recommend Kirsten Prizzi to anyone who is looking for a great, hard-working realtor. She is the best..

Connie Schulz


I had a great experience working with Kirsten Prizzi. I couldn’t believe how responsive she was to all of my requests and questions, and she knew far more than I ever hoped for about the process of selling our business. She was very patient and helpful, and maintained great communication throughout the entire process. If your looking to purchase your dream home or trying to sell your own home or business, I highly recommend Kirsten Prizzi. If your looking for someone honest, dedicated, smart and business oriented, who will get the job done, I suggest to you to give Kirsten a call, don't wait another day nor minute, your dreams will finally come true, I give her five stars.

Christina Possiel

Incredible Service

My recent purchase of condo went great. I can't thank you enough for the running around you did and I was an out of State buyer. You were "spot on" with your professional reviews of what I was looking. Closing was perfect with everyone involved from the title company to remote signings that were needed. IF is every need another property you'll be the first person I will call. You exceeded the word PROFESSIONALISM!!!!

Jim Kiley
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